Friday, June 15, 2012

A Kingsbury Coupe Partially Restored

Friday, June 15, 2012

A Kingsbury Coupe
Partially Restored

   I had decided to restore this toy, and exchange the working wind-up mechanism with another Kingsbury that I also purchased. The trouble is that it's hard to find parts. Also, when you do find parts, they may not be in stock by Classic Tin Toys or Thomas Antique Toy Parts. So you have to wait.

   So, in the interim, I decided to go ahead with restoring the exteriors of the 2 cars. I left the one that  I'll present to you today, unpainted on the underside. Tath's because, if I don;t sell it in July in e-Bay, then perhaps the parts that I did order will arrive. I'll then be able to transfer the wind-up mechanism, and then paint the undersides black. Uncapping the windup mechanism from the underneath chassis would have scratched the restored and repainted black underside.

 Here's how the car arrived.

It was in much worse condition that it looked form the photograph.
I try to photograph my toys very nicely, and if I don't mind "bragging", I think I do a good job.

  You can see that I'm missing the left reflector that fits into the left light socket.
Also, I painted the front grill and lights, because that part was on backorder (not in stock).

  The Underneath Photo of the Car

A friend that I know had been helping me out by sandblasting toys that I decided to repaint.
The underside had been spray-painted with 2 coats of automotive primer.
One very interesting thing about old toys is that  you usually see the same missing parts on the toy.
Whether you see, or better stated, "don't see", is a brake that keeps the tension on the wind-up mechanism  in a hold position.
When you are ready to release the car, you simply move the brake to allow the wind-up tension coil to unwind, and hence move the car.

So that's all for today.
Thanks for visiting, 
and have a great weekend, wherever you are.

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