Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Identifying A Real Cast Iron Arcade Model-A Ford Coupe

Friday, June  8, 2012

Identifying a Real Cast Iron Arcade
A 1928-32 Model-A Ford Coupe
With A Rumble Seat

(5" long or 127mm)

     I was very lucky to be selling an unknown  cast iron car, when I saw the real item on e-Bay listed for sale. I wrote to the seller (surfn4toys) and got the permission to use his images from the listing on E-Bay.  Surfn4toys is a highly-rated and top seller on E-Bay.  His listing description was well written,and his photos were large and well done to present to he buyer a well-documented view of the item for sale.

   My Photos of the Unknown Manufacturer

  The Authentic Item

No markings such as any numbers of the name of the manufacturer.

  Surfn4toys Authentic Car
The #116B shows, along with the name "Arcade"
Also, the sticker "Arcade Toys" is present on the driver's side.


The nickel-plated tires are different from the real Arcade.
Also,notice that the rumble seat  back is pleated.

  The Real Arcade
1. The wheels are different.
2. The rumble seat back is smooth
3. There are more vents on the side of the hood

1. Has a bumper in the back
2. Rear window is smaller
3. Has a door handle

  Real Arcade
1. No Bumper in the back
2. Rear window is larger
3. No door handle

1. Door handle
2. Small semi-circular shape below door on running board
3. No bump in front of windshield
  Real Arcade

1 No door handle
2.  No Small semi-circular shape below door on running board
3. Bump in front of windshield

Thanks to people like Surfn4toys, I was able to catalogue an authentic Arcade Cast Iron car, and an unknown manufacturer.

I'm not sure how old my "unknown" is, but it's well made.
More important though is to be able to know what is "real" and what is a "reproduction. I've noticed  reproductions on E-Bay, and not everyone is "forthcoming" in providing honest descriptions of an item. Some people will place a "?" beside a name or have 4 names of manufacturers. 

As a buyer,you want to be able to be comfortable with an item tht you are bidding on. You want to have an honest description, as well as knowing that the description is in fact what the  item is.
So if you want to find authentic and genuine old toys  or even "newer" old toys (1950's),then please check out Surfn4toys

I would once more like to thank Surfn4toys for helping me write this blog today.
It's always a pleasure to have sellers, buyers, or even collectors help out.

So thanks for dropping by, and as always
have a good morning, afternoon, or evening, 
wherever you may be.

Have a nice weekend,
Stacey Bindman


  1. Other car is by Dent Hardware.

    1. Hello,

      Thanks for taking the time to provide the ID for this car.
      I've seen Dent Hardware listings on E-Bay, but they're rare.

      Stacey Bindman
      (The writer of this blog)

  2. Hi I have a arcade silver cast iron car and was trying to figure out how much is the value of it. Any ideas where I could find this information.

  3. Hello Monica,

    It's hard to give an estimate, since the car could be
    made by one of any number of manufacturers.

    If you send me good-quality photos
    of the toy, I can search out what manufacturer made the toy.

    Thanks for the question.

