Wednesday, May 30, 2012

A Larger Cast Iron Truck and its Baby Brother

Monday, June 4, 2012

A Larger Cast Iron Truck 
and its Baby Brother

     I purchased the 2 cast iron trucks in the last  several weeks.  I buying more cast iron, as the demand for this type of type os more active than some of the items that I liquidated. I was going to write about them separately, but they resemble each other, so I thought that I'd combine the 2 together.

The small truck is a 1930's Hubley, while the larger one for now is "unknown". THe "unknown" has the numbers 2000 and an 8 punched below it under the dump part. It's old, but as to whether it's a brand name is to be seen in the future.

This is the larger truck.

7" (L) x 3" (W) x 3" (W)
178mm x 77mm x 77mm

1 pound 4 ounces or 559 grams

This is the smaller truck.

4 1/2" (L) x 2" (W) x 2" (W)
114mm x 51mm x 51mm

 7.6 ounces or 214 grams

Here's a combination photo of the 2 images.

Thankfully, I took each of the truck photos and adjusted their sizes to match 
each other in 1 photo.  I think both toys are based on the famous American truck manufacturer Mack.

I like the clean look  of placing toys on a white background.
As you can see, the toys when resized to be identical certainly appear different from reality.
Before Photoshop, a photographer would have to have special  proportion calculators to calculate the size of a toy. He then would use a specific lens at a specific distance to come up with the size necessary for a page layout in a magazine or catalogue. Nowadays, it's all done in Photoshop or some other photo-editing software!

I'm writing this instalment or "post" on Wednesday 
May  30, 2012, in order to make up for  several weeks where I wasn;t feeling well. Also, next week is back to listing on E-Bay, so I trying to keep ahead. Everything gets turned upside down, but at least for now, I'm ahead of the game, as the expression goes.

So thanks for dropping by, whatever day you visit, and if you're visiting today (May 30), don't be confused.

As always, have a great part of the day wherever you may be,
morning, afternoon, or evening!

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