Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Toy Identification Request

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Toy Identification Request

     Hello Everyone. Please excuse me for not having written, but selling toys was slow last week, and I only sold 6 of 34 listings. Of course, being an optimist, since you have to be one if you're going to sell toys, I try not to let that affect me, but it did. Without sales, I can;t buy new toys for my blog, and asking everyone who reads this blog to contribute an article doesn't always work.

     Fortunately, for today I awoke very early (3:30 A.M.), and went to check my E-Mail. And "voila", that's my blog for today. A buyer, Al Williams, wrote to ask me if I could identity a nice toy of his. I initially though that it might be a Hubley, but it had no identification marks on it.

Large-Sized Hubley MG - Model $ 485
Manufactured in 1954
9" (L) x 4" (W) x 3" (H)
228mm x102mm x77mm

Take a look at the underside of the Hubley.
My initial reaction to Al's question about the make of the car was Hubley.

Al Williams Car

Al asked me about the material of the car. 

I think it's die cast metal, and the underside that you see above looks like aluminum.
In terms of when the car might have been made, I'm thinking in the 1940's, due to the design of the car, as well as the axles ends and the rubber tires. The axle ends have been hammered at 1 end to secure the tires to the axles. The other end of the axles are semi-circular, and don;t need the hammering.

So if anyone out there can identify this car, by all means send me a note, and I will pass the information on to Al.

As always, 
have a great morning, afternoon, or evening, 
and thanks for reading this blog. 

Update: April 14,2012

Please go to Tuesday April 17, 2012 
for an update on this toy! 

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