Monday, April 2, 2012

Hubley Racers #5 - Finally, The End!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Hubley Racers # 5
Finally, The End!

     I finally can almost say that I have finished the 2 Hubley # 5 racers. 


 1.  I used the Dremel high-speed machine to carve off some of the Lepage's Steel Epoxy.

 2. I then uses ordinary black shoe polish and brushes to clean the tires and blacken them.

3. I used the Dremel high-speed rotary machine, fine # 600 sandpaper, and fine steel wool 
to remove the rust and paint from the car drivers.

    I said "almost finished", as I need to spot some of the chips on the red car, and remove some of the shoe polish that is on the car body. However, overall , the job is complete. I'll inform you in a couiple of weeks how the sale went on E-Bay.

I remember my father asking me to polish his shoes before he had to go out to work. He was in the catering business, so  he worked 5 days a week at night, then on the weekend had to attend the affairs to supervise them

AS an adult, I still like the "old-fashioned" shoe polish rather than the  ones that come with their own applicator, a buffing cloth, and  of course, the polish. I personally find the latter, too transparent. After you polish the shoes, you can still see scuff marks, because the polish lacks the opacity to cover any discolouration.

I used the smaller applicator brush and those ears-cleaning cotton swabs to apply the wax. Then I waited a few minutes for the water content to evaporate, and then did the polishing. The tires came out looking much better! As well, the dried red soil that I had so much trouble to remove, was readily covered by the opaque polish.

So that's another blog instalment.

Have a great morning, afternoon, or evening,
wherever you may be.

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