Friday, April 27, 2012

E-Bay Listing Photos for the End of April 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

E-Bay Listing Photos 
for the End of April 2012 

E-Bay is going to allow sellers to upload 12 images for free. Naturally, that will help everyone sell, and for me (please excuse the bragging),it's a way to present high-quality images of my photos. 

Right now, I only show 1 composite photo of 4 smaller images, and this obviously  diminishes the detail and quality of the items for sale. I've done this ever since I started selling toys on E-Bay to save on costs.

E-Bay gives you 1 free image, but charges you 15 cents for every other one.
You can also buy 6 photos for 75 cents and 12 photos for $ 1.00
They have a package deal if you add at least 6 images. The problem is that doing this for 50 listings a month can be costly! Also, it's hard to find American toys up here in Montreal, and when I do, they're too costly compared with E-Bay.

This week E-Bay had a free 5000 "Buy It Now" promotion. That sounds great, but E-Bay doesn't give anything away for nothing. In this case, the "Buy-It-Now option, which to be fair is my choice, costs 10-11%% of the sale of the toy on average. Ouch! So probably everyone adds a bit more to their pricing, and sales most likely are fewer.

Personally, I have purchased toys at the "Buy-It-Now" price, but like everyone else, I'm sure that they all think that bidding ends up being less-costly.

So below are most of my items for sale this week at the "Buy-It-Now" option.Naturally, I'll probably write in some future blog how this method of selling fared.  Right now, selling is slower, either due to the continued weak US economy and the approaching warm seasons. Coincidentally, the same thing of a slowdown happened last year at the same time.

I'll add the details of the items later if I have the time.
If you want to know the details, simply go to E-Bay.
My ID is sib2048w, and you can then do a search by seller for "items for sale by seller".

Wyandotte Pressed Steel Convertible Car

Tootsietoy Die Cast Fageol Bus

For E-Bay Visitors,  you can click on any image to enlarge it.
Also, you can even have a "slide show" of larger-sized images.
I'm sure you can figure out how that works.

So thanks to everyone for dropping by.
And as usual, have a restful and nice weekend, 
wherever you may be.

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