Wednesday, April 11, 2012

2 Very Nice Aluminum Toy Racers

Saturday, April 14, 2012

2 Very Nice Aluminum Toy Racers

     I've been buying toy racers or race cars for a future blog on the topic. These 2 nice racers arrived today. If you read yesterday's instalment, you'll be familiar with these 2 toys. My subject yesterday was about proper packing of old toys, and the packing for these 2 was unbelievable!

    There are certain "real" cars that never seen to go out -f style, even when they are so simple in design. 2 cars that come to mind immediately are the Porsche and Bentley cars.  They simple but elegant, and I never tire of either f them. Of course I drive a Toyota Corolla, which is a nice car for my budget!

    The 2 cars that arrived for today's edition are I think aluminum. They were "poured" "a la slush" style into a mould, if you examine the bottom of the black car.

Our Canadian Government has voted to eliminate the cent/penny/copper from our monetary system.
I'm unhappy about that,but that's progress?

I'll be using the modern SD card as a reference to the sizes of objects for the future.
Maybe I'll even use Abe Lincoln!

The presentation of the relative size of the 2 cars compared to an SD card.

Black Racer
8" (L) x 3 5/8" (W) x 2 5/8" (H)
204mm  x  93mm  x  68mm

Red Racer
6 1/2" (L) x 2 3/4" (W) x 2 3/8" (H)
165mm  x  70 mm  x  63mm

The car certainly feels heavy and in other places is thicker than the bottom.
That's why I described it as a "slush aluminum toy".

It's been poorly repainted, as you can see from the smudged paint on the top of the car.

Notice the small hole in the front of this car.
This toy is called a "pull toy", because a cord or string would be tied to the hole, and then the toy was pulled along.

If anyone out there knows the manufacture of these 2 toys, and when they might have been manufactured, please send me a note.

Thanks for visiting, 
and as usual, 
have a restful weekend wherever you may be.

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