Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Seeing the Best in the Worst

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Seeing the Best in the Worst

      As you already know of you've been following this blog, I'm new to buying and selling old toys. I'm naturally still learning, and sometimes you get "fleeced"or the whole toy is not properly described or the photos are purposely poor so as to not show some important detail. At other times, you have to see beyond the toy as it is, and hope that another buyer sees the same also. I'll explain what I mean below.

Case #1:
Not the Whole Truth

A Hubley Cast Iron truck
Circa 1930's

The above 4 photos are what I photographed to copy what a seller on E-Bay had provided. You can read about this in my instalment 2 days ago. The photographs are poor, out-of-focus (2), and hide in the shadow a weld. You don't really see the weld, and this was never described in the description. I could file a complaint with E-Bay, but I decided not to. 

I'll chalk this up to experience, and also I want to hit 1000 transactions on E-Bay and keep my record excellent as it it.  You have to remember that if I provide negative feedback to a seller,  he or she will reciprocate in kind!

ZI also missed the broken crank handle for the tow, and I'm sure there was a tow hook (that Iknow).

The above photos are the ones that I will use on E-Bay for April 1. The beginning of each month is when E-Bay provides 50 free listings for sellers. I think that applies to everyone.

I purchased  a tungsten-carbide drill bit for my high-speed Dremel machine, and cut out some of the weld. I'm sure the weld was done a long, long time ago, and I'm also sure that the welder would have liked to have had a Dremel at that time. I only cut  out some of the weld to present toi buyers the potential of this toy. 

I'll have to pirce it low just to sell, and hopefully there will be "some  bidding action"and I won't take too much of a loss

Case #1:
Seeing the Potential in an Old Toy

An Arcade Small Cat Iron Crysler Airflow
4" or 100 mm long
Circa 1930's

I saw the potential in the toy below. However, as I mentioned that I'm still learning, perhaps I may have erred on trying to make a profit on the re-sale. This is a small cast iron toy, and they don't sell at high prices as the 5 and 6 inch (125mm-150mm) sizes.

As with old toys, someone repainted the toy. It was originally a crimson red, then was repainted blue.

The above photos are how the toy appeared when it arrived.
You have to remember that I'm a photographer by profession, and I'm honest. At least 1 of these characteristics is not always beneficial if you're selling on E-Bay. I photograph as the expression goes "warts and all". That simply means that I will show the potential buyer the "bad points" of a toy as well as the good points.

 If I had more skill, I would cut that bolt that holds the 2 halves of the toy together, replace the 4 tires with brand new ones, then re-bolt the 2 halves. Of course, I would also repaint it. I have confidence though that someone will see the photos below and will purchase this item. I don't think I'll make much profit on this transaction, but now I have a fine record (photos)of this particular toy. And of course, I could always add a colour to the toy "a la Photoshop"!

This looks much better now, and I'm sure most of you would agree.
I know this will sell, and I'll have to update you as to how much I paid for it, and how much I was able to sell it for.

 If Anyone out there is ever interested in buying any of the toys I write about, before I list it on E-Bay, by all means send me a note.
As long as you have a PayPal account or send me a certified cheque, I'll be glad to sell you the toy. Of course, if you have toys for sale, I'l be glad to check them out as well.

This is the 4th day of the last 5 where Montreal,Quebec, Canada,(where I live) is experiencing record-breaking temperatures! 

As with toys, the good news is that we're experiencing an unusal weather period. The bad news is that perhaps this will provide more proof of Global  Warning, and the world can do something about it!

As soon as I finish tomorrow's blog, I'm going to take Buddy , our dog for a long walk!

As always, have a great morning, afternoon or evening wherever you may be.

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