Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hubey Racers Restoration Continues

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Hubley Racers Restoration Continues

     I finally was able to apply the second coat 9layer) of paint to the green and red Hubley # 5 racers. I also applied the silver paint to certain areas that were shown in catalogue photos of the original toys. I realized 1 thing with the red paint. Yesterday, I told you that I thought it was too glossy (shiny). I was right, however the reason was due to the wrong type of spray, rather than my spraying too much. I was using a paint spray for plastic, and I guess it's more glossy. Anyway, the solution was to use a matte clear spray finishing coat, which you'll see below.

 This is the Krylon matte finish  spray that I used to remove some of the
 gloss (shine) from the red car. I also added it to the green car as a protective coat.

So thanks for dropping by, and have a pleasant 
and restful Sunday, wherever you may be.

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