Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Recent Acquisitions for E-Bay Listings of March 2012

Thursday, February 24, 2012

Recent Acquisitions
E-Bay Listings of March 2012


 The cost to list an item on E-Bay depends on several factors. As a consequence, I try to limit my costs by waiting for the beginning of a new month where a seller can list 50 free listings. If I was to list an extra listing, then that could cost me anywhere from 50 cents - $ 1.50 US or more.

Sometimes E-Bay "suddenly and surprisingly" adds an extra 50 more free listings during the 
month. It's no problem to E-Bay, because they rely on you re-listing an item if it does not sell. A 
re-listing counts as a listing, so you can soon see that if you don't sell, you can either use the extra "free" 50 listings. The trouble with the extra and surprising listings is that they can only be used for 1 day!

   Still, if you add more than 1 photo, there is an additional cost of 15 cents US, or you can add 6 photos for a total reduced price. By the time I try and sell 50 items per month, I end up paying E-Bay a good amount that amounts to anywhere from 2% - 8.5% of the final value of the item and even includes shipping costs! I also get a discount because I'm a high-rated E-Bayer thanks to buyers being happy with my services, shipping costs, packaging, and delivery times.

    If you've ever read my other blog on "prophotolearning" or visited my reviews and guides on E-Bay, I've written a guide as to how to make a composite photo. Basically, one takes 4 photos, reduces their sizes, and then makes a simple photo containing 4 smaller images. In this way, I still get the free 1 photo listing because 1 photo counts only as 1, regardless of the fact that it has 4 smaller images. 

   I like to take some credit for seeing other people starting to use this technique to save on costs! The problem though is that the resolution and image quality is not the best for fine detail. E-Bay (You guessed it!) will charge you more money (an additional 50 cents) to have your photo shown larger!

Well, there's no way that I  am going to do that. Some large-volume sellers have "stores" on E-Bay that marginally save them money by allowing them to list more items than the 50 free per month. Also, there are 3-5 non E-Bay companies that will charge you a fee to present enlargements of your photos that are less expensive and larger! When you press the contact or button, you're redirected to the site that has the enlarged photos. Again, no way for me to do that! I'm paying E-Bay enough as it is!

  What I've decided to do is to include my blog in each item's description. In this way, anyone who wants more detailed photos can look at them on this blog.

 Of course E-Bay has certain policies that they try and police. One is to not include an e-mail address in a listing or e-mail.  The reason for this is that they do not want people dealing outside of E-Bay. What E-Bay will do sometimes is to warn you not to do this, or they will censure your address.  So far, they have not bothered with my blog address and seem to leave it alone form their censors. I have had some people though mention that they could not connect to my blog, so maybe the censors are at work some of the time.

E-Bay Listings for the Month of March 2012

Photo removed from E-Bay and replaced with topmost Image
showing the parts added that were originally missing

I hope that my placing my E-Bay items here will not bother you, my viewers too much, 
and if so I  apologize.

As usual, thanks for dropping by.
Have a good morning,  good afternoon, or  good evening, wherever you may be.

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