Saturday, January 28, 2012

Showing the Beauty of Old Toy with Lighting

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Showing the Beauty of Old Toys with Lighting

     Being a photographer allows me to photograph these magnificent toys. Not only do I light the toys for E-Bay to show their detail and faults,  but I also like to light them  dramatically for their presentation to my readers.

     Yesterday, I said that I would show you the slush toys today with dramatic lighting. However, I didn't have enough photos, so I thought I 'd add some of the recent toys photos. So today's instalment has nice toy photos with lighting to compliment the toys. 

 I hope that you'l enjoy the photos as much as I enjoy photographing them.

As always, have a nice morning, afternoon, or evening,  
wherever you may be, and thank you for dropping by.

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