Monday, January 16, 2012

Close-ups of Toys

Monday, January 16, 2012
Martin Luther King, Junior Holiday (USA)

Close-Ups of Toys

     It's amazing how time flies.  I remember watching TV in the 60's with the Reverand Martin Luther King, Junior and his speeches, his marches and even earlier when TV was B & W. Now it's almost 55 years later. Times have changes, sometimes for better, and sometimes for worse, but time certainly marches on.

   I chose close-ups for todays instalment, because, in a "far stretch", toys are like time. We live every day and take things and events for granted. Yet at times, some people have had it much harder than us.  As for toys (the "far stretch" to link toys to time and events), we have them with us as collectors or sellers) but never really stop to look at them closely. Yet the fine detail when magnified is also so wonderful to touch and see.

     I thought I 'd just present to you close-ups of toys that I have for sale this week on E-Bay, and some from the past. What's amazing is the fine detail that could be reproduced from  a rubber mould, a die-cast mould, or a cast iron mould. What's even more amazing is looking at a photograph of a close-up (Macro shot) of a small toy.

    I'm an honest seller on E-Bay and I'm sure that sometimes people will not bid on 1 of my items because I present it too well. I've seen underexposed (too dark) and out-of-focus items on e-bay with the wrong colours, and there are 20 bidders. Yet, my almost identical toy has no bidders, because I showed a few close-ups and properly photographed the item!

   What's even more amazing is that even with my close-up typing and computer glasses, I don't see the small detail that was made for the mould. So please have a look today. I've cropped (framed) the photos close, so to some of you, you may probably want to test your knowledge to see if you can identify the toys and the manufacturer.

A Request:

If anyone out there would like to be a guest on my blog, please send an e-mai to me(

I only can write and photograph so much becasue of budget limits, and having to have toys sell first on E-BNay, before I purchase others. 

Yesterday and the day before, I was very grateful to have Mr. Don Kubik work with me for his 2 blogs. It was a great eye-opener to listen to him on the phone, and to transcribe what he was saying. His toy photos were also great to view.

As usual, thanks for dropping by, and
have a good morning, good afternoon, or good evening.

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