Friday, January 20, 2012

Can't Take Enough Photos!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Can't Take Enough Photos!

   The rubber and slush toys are starting to arrive at my house. When they arrive I catalogue them in Microsoft Excel to give them an ID number and of course, to chart the costs. This week 2 nice Sun Rubber Coupes arrived. I photographed the beige and red one already, but wanted to re-photograph it again. Small items are more difficult to photograph as you need to focus carefully to get the maximum focus. As a consequence, I've been doing a lot of reshoots!

     The old small toys from the 1920's-1940's have so much character. That's not to say today's cars don't, but there is a certain majestic quality to those old toys. Of course, my favourite sports car of today would have to be Porsche! What I like about the Porsche is that it evolves very slowly from year to year. There are subtle changes and lots of technical and safety improvements, but the subtlety from year to year is fantastic!

   My photos today are also "subtle". Just to get "off track" for a second, when you hire a photographer, he or she is a skilled and learned  professional. Many smaller companies don't realize that or don't have the budget for better-quality photography. What happens is that they get their sons or daughters or even employees to photograph their merchandise. The results are "adequate" for their needs or their budget, but they aren't usually professional enough.

   Now getting back to the cars, I started to take a few photos and yesterday I "toyed around" (please excuse the pun), and got into taking lots and lots of photographs.  Most of the photos have very subtle differences, but of you look close enough you'll see the differences, and mostly with the lighting.

    So without any more talk,here are 2 of my Sun Rubber toys (circa 1930's) that I photographed for future instalments.

      If you're interested in how I lit these great-looking Sun Rubber toys, have a look at my other blog:

   It isn't very hard to light these toys as you see them here today, nor does it cost very much. You might even enjoy photographing your own toys for art decor in your house.

So to all viewers, thanks for dropping by, and have a nice weekend, wherever you my be.

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