Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Old Toys Restored

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Old Toys Restored
    This week, I have lots of old toys arriving. The purchase price has been good, and they offer me the opportunity to photograph them. Of course, it's a lot easier to buy than to sell, but we'll see. Anyway, the purchase make for a great blog instalment. I could of course take any of my photo, and with enough time, I could bring it back to how it might have been - almost new. But that takes lots of time, especially if the toy has lots of dents and missing paint. So, let's take a look at these newly-restored toys. By the way, some of them don't have wheels and axles. I have the axles and wheels, but the axles seem either to be the wrong size, or maybe one has to heat the axle sleeves in order to have the axles fit them.

Metal Masters 

Metal Masters Toy Jeep
(Early 1950's (?)

Metal Masters
(Late 1940's (?)-Early 1950's)

Metal Masters 
(Late 1940's (?)-Early 1950's)

Metal Masters Chrome-Plated Fire Engine Truck
Circa late 1940's(?) - Early 1950's)

Tootsietoy Jumbo Cadillac
Circa early 1950's)

Tootsietoy Orange Woodie and Green Coupe
(Circa late 1940's-early 1950's)

Johnny Lightning MG 
This toy might actually be in its' original condition.
I haven't had time to research it, but I don't think it's old!

Tootsietoy Fire Truck with Ladders (Circa late 1930's)

3 Tootsietoys (Circa late 1940's-early 1950's)

3 Tootsietoy Grahams
 (Circa 1933- 1939)

Have a good morning, a good afternoon, or a pleasant evening.

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