Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Love of Toys - Mr. Auburnpumkin

Tuesday, November 29, 2011
(My Birthday @ 63 years old)

Mr. Auburnpumkin (e-Bay User Name)
A Love of Toys

     After I retired from teaching, I didn't know what I'd do. I thought that I'd return to pro photography. By sheer chance I found myself buying and selling toys. As time went by, I got more and more involved. I studied the toys that I wanted to buy on E-Bay. I searched out information on E-Bay, and I purchased books.  Lately, I've even communicated with other E-Bay sellers to ask them to appear on my blog as a guest.

    Mr. Auburnpumkin (until I get permission to add his real name) is also a buyer/seller on E-Bay. Lately, if you've been following this blog, I'm trying out a new strategy. In order to save on costs to try and make a small profit, I've been searching out sellers who have either multiple listings or are selling several toys (lots) at once.

    I frantically bid on Mr. A's lot, and fortunately won.  Photos don;t always tell the story ,especially
when you're not a pro photographer or just don't have the time to "fuss" over 100 toys that need to be placed on e-Bay in an hour! When I saw Mr. A's listing of repainted toys, I knew I wanted to bid on them, more so for  buying a large lot of I think it was 16 toys, rather than for the craftsmanship of the repainting.

   I received these toys yesterday, and I immediately knew I had "struck gold"! Not so much for being able to resell at a profit (since most collectors don't like repainted toys), but for the energy, effort, and craftsmanship that went into restoring these toys.

  I'm presenting this lot of toys today, but I most likely in the near future will  present them again in an instalment about the beautiful detail of vintage die cast toys. So without any more writing, I am proud and honoured to present to you Mr. Auburnpumkin's terrific work! By the way, all of these toys are Tootsietoys. I also spent a fair amount of time in photographing these toys.  I know what it is to repaint toys, and these are treasures!

To Be Continued.....

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