Sunday, September 4, 2011

Searching on the Internet

September 5, 2011
Labour Day
Searching on the Internet

   My wife had just asked me how to search on the Net, and so I thought I'd write her how to do this via my blog. There are many "search engines" or companies that will help you find what you're looking for. They earn money each time someone clicks on a site that has been listed in a search.

1. Google - My favourite 
The problem though is that Google knows I'm Canadian from my seach. When you search, your address goes out to Google. They want you to "stay in canada" and "buy Canadian" otherwise what's the point of canadian advertisers with Google continuing to use Google?

2. The Problem
I entered a search for "Hubley Toys".
The problem with this (for me) is that most Hubley toys are found in the USA, so I'm not going to have many listings coming up in the USA!
In this search though, most of the listings are American, as few toys exist in canada from Hubley!
It would be like doing a search for "poutine" on Google USA. NOt much Poutine in the USA.
By the way, "Poutine" is a fairly new snack of french fries, sausce and cheese!

3. Search Options
Have a look under the word "Google".
Notice that you have several search options:
1. Everything
2. Images
4. News
5. More

Depending on the nature of the material that you are looking for, you can choose any 1 of these 5 options.

4. At the bottom of the Search Page
You'll find additional search terms that you can use for your initial search.
This is located at the bottom of the page.
Also, notice that you can "Go to".

5. Other Possible Search Terms
Google tries to be fast. One way they do so is in trying to suggest other search terms.
In the example above, notice how they've added words to the term Hubley toy.

6. Other Search Engines
Google controls 62% of the USA's Searches
In doing so, they prioritize who goes at the top of the list when a search is done. Companies may pay "extra" in order to go to the top of the list. Since everything is based on money, it's important to be # 1 on the list. 

7. Other Search Engines
I have an Apple IMac computer.
It's internet link or browser is called Safari, just like PC's have Internet Explorer.
On the upper right top side of the computer screen, you are given 3 search engine choices:
1. Google
2. Yahoo
3. Bing (Microsoft)

8. Here is where the 3 Search Engines are
(The upper right corner of the window)

9. Bing
Here's Bing
You can type in "" or change the search Engine on the right side of the Apple Window

10. The Bing Search Engine
Notice how it doesn't really look that much different from Google.

11. Here's Yahoo
Notice that it too wants me to stay in Canada, and even in Quebec!

11. However, it readily gives me the option to go to (USA)

12. Dogpile - another Search Engine

13. Dogpile - How their page 1 search results appear.

14. A sample of an "image search" from Bing

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