Sunday, July 24, 2011

Public Photography Display - Part I - Picasa

July 24, 2011

Public Internet Photography Display
Part I 

     There are many places on the Net where you can upload your photos. I was just adding a few images to one of the sites, when I got a "Eureka moment" and that's what I decided would be today's instalment. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, there are places on the Internet that allow you to place your photos on their site. There are different controls that you can add such as "let everyone see your photos", restrict the viewing top your friends" and so forth.

    I started to add my photos first on a site called Flickr, and later on a site called Picasa, which is the one that I'll talk about today, since I already have it open. Picasa allows you to upload a GBN of photos, which by today's standards is not a lot. However that's plenty for most people. However, for a small amount of money, you can increase that volume to satisfy your every wish.

    I'm going to present to you the basics through my usual visual methods - photos.

The above is what your page looks like. The resolution is not that clear, so what i'll do is present parts of it to you in order for you to get to know the benefits and features of this site.

 1.Web Photo Albums - Altogether

Picasa has spent their time well figuring out how most people would like to present their photos. In the above case, I have what are called "albums". You create a title. although Picasa will provide you with a default title by date. I use both a date and a title.

2. 1 of my Albums
Below is my album titled: July 6,2011 - Wyandotte China Clipper Airplanes
If you look closely you'll see that I 've titled 1 of the photos:
"1 of 4 different Versions of...."

3. The image enlarged
You can see the title below the photo.
I haven't had the time to add captions to all of my photo, but I'm sure for most people not knowing what a "Wyandotte China Clipper" is, a small note would help.

4. Guest Comments
Below the photo, people can add comments if you so wish. In this case, I added my own comment.
4. Tags
A good idea, and Picasa has thought of this, is to add "tags". Tags are simply words or phrases that you add by bringing up a small window. These words or phrases will help anyone who  is looking for something in particular.

I used the following "tags" for the above photo"

"Wyandotte", China Clipper" "Wyandotte Toy" "Wyandotte Airplane" "Toy Airplane"

You can see where the tags are on the page.Also, you can add more tags or remove tags.

4. Adding More Tags
You can always add or remove tags. 
Below I've added a few more tags:
"Antique Toy" and "Vintage Toy"

You use brackets "  "" to separate each tag

5. Viewer Count
You can see how many people have dropped by to view your photo 
I like this feature because it gives me a good feeling to know that others are looking at my  photos!

6. Photo Information
You can provide photo information automatically.
If you didn't know already, your camera automatically does this.
Personal computer programs such as Lightroom and Aperture automatically upload this information, and so does Picasa.
Below is the information from the photo of the Wyandotte China Clipper.
The image is a bit "fuzzy",but if you go to my Picasa site, you'll get to see all of my photo and data.

My pseudonym on Picasa is major trout.
You'll have to do a search "Wyandotte China Clipper" to find me.

7. Finding "Wyandotte China Clipper"
When you enter the above words in the upper right hand corner of the page, you'll get the results as you see below, showing that there are 84 results.

8. The photo results for "Wyandotte China Clipper"

You can see that some trucks have been included. I either made an error and kept "copy and pasting" the sam tags, or perhaps Picasa has thought that viewers might also want to see other photos of mine.

8. Viewing each Image Enlarged (Magnified)
You can look at any image enlarged and you can even zoom in to look at certain features.
The small insert in the lower right corner is a slider/magnifier. You move the slider to the right to magnify.

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