Thursday, June 16, 2011

Some Repainted Tootsietoy and Manoil toys

June 16, 2011

I already mentioned that I would write in this instalment about repainted toys, and here is part 1 of probably 2-3 parts relating to that topic.

I've included close-ups to show the nice detail of these great old toys. However, the digital camera is much more "severe" in capturing all of the weaknesses in my repainting.

For most people, including myself, the toys look great when viewed normally at about 1 feet (30.5 cm). The lens of digital cameras are fantastic at capturing detail, but not in this case.

Of course, had I had a magnifying glass and some micro-brushes, I could have done better (excuses, excuses....).

I'm a bit tired tonight, so I'll only label 2 vehicles that are not Tootsietoy or Manoil. I
'll revise this instalment later in the week.

Hubley Fire Chief Kiddietoy

Manoil Tow Truck
Detail Close-up Of Manoil Truck

Smaller Tootsietoy Woody
Larger Tootsietoy Woody

Tootsietoy Fire Chief Car
Manoil # 757 Coupe
Close-up of Rear of Manoil Coupe # 757

Tootsietoy Shell Gas Truck

Detail of Shell Gas Truck

Another Detail Photo of the Shell Gas truck

 Tootsietoy Softdrink Delivery Truck

Close-up Detail of Front of Tootsietoy Softdrink Delivery truck

Tootsietoy Stationwagon

Detail of rear of Tootsietoy Stationwagon with a Hitch

Tootsietoy Cadillac

Detail of Front of Tootsietoy Cadillac

Hubley Green Racer # 5

If anyone is interested in purchasing any of these toys, please drop me a line @
I work through PayPal as I normally sell on E-Bay.
However, right now the market is poor for old toys on E-Bay

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