Saturday, June 18, 2011

Lighting Continued - Harsh and Direct Lighting

June 19, 2011

I already started to discuss lighting in a previous posting or instalment on this blog. This posting is about harsh light.

Harsh light is light that is directly from a light source such as the sun, or a photo light. If you remember the previous instalment, soft light was either diffused or reflected off a silver or white card.

One light source (small spot light) from the upper left and high
One light source from the upper left and high,
1 silver reflector to the lower right near the truck
Two light sources: 
1. from the upper left and high. 
2. the other to the lower right and lower

 Two light sources: 1. from the upper left and high. 2. the other to the lower right and lower

and 1 silver reflector to the lower right near the truck

Diffused lighting:
Hardly any shadows, not much contrast between different parts of the car

Harsh lighting:
Some shadows, more contrast between different parts of the car

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