Friday, February 18, 2011

The TootsieToy Airplanes

February 18, 2011

Tootsietoy is another toy company that produced toys in the 1930's and after.  I should have known form their name, that their toys were small. Needless to say, the work that I would best describe my first receipt of these toys was "huh?". I wasn't expecting something so small.

The reason was that many people on E-Bay make the assumption that the buyer or viewer is familiar with the item being listed. Therefore, often they forget (even myself) to include the dimensions of the toy, or to add a familiar reference (penny) to the image.

The detail on these small items is remarkable. Unfortunately being small, parts are often broken and you have to search them out either from Thomas Antique toy Parts or the Classic Ton Toy Company.

I'm unsure what they're made from, but the oxidation looks to be like aluminum.
Notice that I placed a penny as a reference as to their size.

Don't forget that you can double-click on a photo to magnify it.
I just received this one today - a P-39.
It has a yellowish film on it, and so I tried to clean it.
The film wouldn't come off with an orange oil cleaner, and then
I realized that Tootsietoy probably applied a clear lacquer 
to seal the decals on to  the wings.

Notice the 15 cent price tag, and the
penny I placed in the photo. Also, you may 
have noticed the glue applied to the left (right in the photo) wheel.

When I have time in the future, I'll place a large plane and and of these together to give 
a true reference as to the actual size of this airplane.

Thanks for dropping by,
and have a great part of the day,
wherever you may be.

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